Create Basic Pt Records

When creating a patient record, all required fields in the Personal, Codes, and Clinical tabs must be completed before a new patient record can be saved. Required fields are configured based on the practice and patient status.

  • Personal tab: Contains fields related to the patient’s basic information, including names, demographics, address, status, contact information, assigned personnel, and additional information.
  • Codes tab: Contains fields related to the patient’s additional information, alerts, codes, account information, custom fields, and custom information.
  • Clinical tab: Contains fields related to the patient’s emergency contact information, physician, picture, and referrals.

Note: This information can be updated after the record is saved.

After the basic patient record has been saved, you can continue on to complete the Guarantor, Employer, and Insurance tabs.

To create a basic patient record:

  1. Open the Patients module and search for the patient to ensure they are not already in the system.
  2. Click the Add Patient () icon to display the Patient Info – Add Patient window.
  3. Note: The Guarantor, Employer and Insurance tabs only display after you click Save.

  4. Complete the Personal tab fields as necessary.
  5. Complete the Codes tab fields as necessary.
  6. Complete the Clinical tab fields as necessary.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The patient record is saved and the Guarantor, Employer, and Insurance tabs display.

    Note: If any required fields are incomplete, they display in pink and the record cannot be saved until they are complete.

    Once the patient record has been saved successfully, you can Specify Guarantors, Add Employers, and Add Insurance Benefit Plans as necessary.